Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Start to Baling

Boy does it feel good to have sunshine,
a break in the rainy forecast,

and a start on the hay season.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Broilers Were Moved Out

No major rain in the forecast!
The broilers were moved out of the barn today.

Bringing the Cows and Calves In

The cows and calves needed brought in for the night.

It was a gorgeous evening to walk them in.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Chicken Castle Cleaning and a Question From Jack

Thursday was the first day 
in months and months 
that we haven't had snow or rain.
(Possible hyperbole, but not by much!)

So it was deemed Chicken Castle Cleaning Day!

Even the windows were removed and scrubbed.

 All done and the ladies were starting to venture back in.

Jack posed a question to us at lunch the other day.
It's scary how the boy's mind works!
Here's the question:

"Would you rather fight a Luke-sized duck,
or a hundred duck-sized Luke's?"

This kind of question is not an anomaly!
He frequently asks these kind of things!
And for those who don't know,
Luke is 6'3".

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Last Calf of the Season

Thursday night was the last calf of the season.
We had Beatrice locked in the runway
so she would be easy to check in the middle of the night.
Only when I check her at 11:30 she had broken out of the runway.
I didn't happen to have my mucking boots on for traipsing through the pasture
so I came back in to get them and to get Luke.
We went out and found little Star Burst already standing up 
and looking for a midnight snack.
Luke carried her into the barn and we locked them in again.

Beatrice was a good mama after that!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Busy Again

We've had sun and some dry days!
We've spent hours and hours outside.
One chicken tractor was moved up to the shop to get fixed.

Hannah and a friend got a ride in one afternoon.

Petra gave us Mint Patty on Saturday.

She's a tiny little thing,

 Paul has three days off 
and is spending lots of time in the shop
or on outside projects.

Elsie is done with school for the year 
and has spent most of her time in the kitchen making cookies!
(or hauling feed to the chicken castle)

I didn't get pictures,
but the corn got planted yesterday too!
And a weenie roast for supper!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

As Done As We Can Be RIght Now

Sunday evening was Luke's turn to bury it.
After they got it pulled out 
it was parked until Paul climbed in at 6:00 last night.
Luke took over around 8:45 
and finally finished our fields 
and was parking the tractor at 11:00.
And today it rains.
And rains.
And rains.

While Paul was cultivating,
Elsie and I were busy convincing the young steers and heifers
that they should go back in where they were supposed to be.
The yummy green pastures need a few more weeks of growth 
before they can be let out there.
It took quite a bit of convincing to get them back in.
Young animals just can't be reasoned with!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Baby Chicks

The broilers arrived Wednesday morning!

1 Calf, 2 Dogs, and 3 People

Even with two dogs

and three people giving it their all

We weren't able to save Gum Drop.

But the team work was beautiful to watch.