Saturday, August 6, 2022

We Heard That One

I wanted to sleep in this morning,
but I heard some far away rumbling,
so I got up to hopefully watch a storm. 

It was very dark.
There was a decent lightning show going on, 
but nothing spectacular.

Then there was one simultaneous lightning bolt and thunder!
This tree is 40-50 feet straight west of the shop.
There are splinters of it on the ground right behind the shop.

Jack was laying in bed and saw it happen.  
It twisted his hammock up pretty good.

That brought the end of the loud part of the storm.
It still gave us 1.92" of rain though!

Friday, August 5, 2022

Hot and Stormy

We had some heat on Tuesday. 

And a very uncomfortable dew point. 

Thus, some big winds that night. 

All we had 
were some branches 
and lots of twigs with leaves 
that came down. 

The bad part was that the storm had almost no rain. 
We need the rain badly!

Maybe we will get some this weekend?