Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Feeding Time

 After the 5:30 tube feeding

it was time to try her on mama this morning.

I think we will get them to work together eventually

but it's going to take some time on our part!

A Long Night

Paul and I went out at 11:50 last night

because several moms were complaining.

Their little darlings all snuck into the west pen

where the mom's couldn't get to them

and they refused to come back when the moms were calling for them.

So we went out and got them back together. 

Then Paul did a walk through outside

and discovered a newborn.

Mom was extremely uncooperative!

We ended up having to get Ben, Elsie, and Hannah up to help us get her in.

At 2:00 Paul and I went out again because mom just was not taking care of her.

We took the calf to the shop.

Hershey and Tess went right to work.

We tried bottle feeding her

but she was so cold and tired and wouldn't take it.

We left her in the capable paws of the dogs

and went back inside at 3:00.

When we went out at 5:30 she was much more chipper.

Ben came out to tube feed her

before going to work.

We will go out at 8:30 to try to get her on mom.

And have a heart to heart talk with mom 

about the consequences 

if she doesn't cooperate 

and take care of her baby!

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Naughty One


Why does he INSIST on being IN the feeder?

He is found in there more often than not.

Sunday, April 4, 2021


After church this morning 

we went out to count calves.

There was one more than when we left for church.

Polly had had Elbert while we were gone.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

2 Calves

I had to wake these two from their naps in the 68* sunshine

 to get their pictures.

Allegheny was born to Peaches Friday afternoon.

Our first middle-of-the-nighter was Olympus to Olympia

at 2:15 a.m. this morning.

4 More

 They all look soooo much alike this year!

Ear tags are definitely a help!

Lovey had Medicine Bow (heifer) on Wednesday.

Thursday was busy with

Ginger having Adirondack (bull) just before morning chore time.

Kit Kat had Catskill (bull) at lunch time.

And Havana had Laramie (heifer) in the afternoon.

I still have two more to report.
I'll go get pictures now.

Just Some Calf Cuteness

I disturbed Brooks from her early morning nap.

Sierra was so beautiful
in the rising sun

the other day.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Calf Catch-Up

 Ok...we have names!

The first calf born on March 25th was Sierra to Miss Kitty.

Phoenix had Brooks on Sunday the 28th.
So far, both heifers are Red Angus looking.

Next up was Wind River to Zelda on Monday the 29th.

And Mary Ann had McKinley on Tuesday the 30th.

There have been 3 more bull calves born
but names haven't been chosen yet.
As soon as we have names

I will get them added.