It's been a very productive mid-July week.

Way too hot and humid for this time of year!

But we made good use of the time.
We've been chopping a couple of rows of corn every day
to feed the cattle immediately.

Wednesday night we got serious and started in on the rest of it.
The corn was more than ready but the field was still wet from the relentless rain.
So Wednesday night's chopping required two tractors a couple of times.

There is just something so satisfying
about seeing the harvest take place.

The pile always looks so incredibly small in the beginning.

But it always grows slowly and surely.

We only did three loads Wednesday night
before calling it good for the day.
Thursday we spent the whole day out there.
Paul and I had to leave at 4:30.
I got a text from Ben at 8:40 saying they were done,
the pile was covered,
and they were going in for supper.
What a beautiful sight to behold at chore time Friday morning!
They left a few rows to be chopped daily for a week or so.
The cattle like it fresh out of the wagon.