Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Moving the Pregnant Cows

After Ben and Hannah moved more snow in the pastures today 
Ben picked up the cows' feeder

 to bring it around front.

He deposited it in the front barnyard.

Then it was time to move the pregnant cows over.

Now they are easier to watch during the day
and check on at 2:00 a.m.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Chores in a Blizzard and Cleaning Up

Morning chores were a tad chilly yesterday.
I can't believe I never even looked to see what the windchill was.

Ben was gone plowing for the township
and Luke had the other skid steer plowing neighbors out.

So Paul cleaned out the shed road and a path into the pasture.

The rest of us shoveled and shoveled by the gates.

 Elsie dug a path from the shop to the house before the cattle chores started.

Her path didn't last very long though!

Ben and Hannah spent several hours in the pastures 
moving snow today.

They are getting ready to move the cows 
from the shed to the little barn 
to get ready for calving.

Ben cleared the paths and pushed the snow to Hannah.
Hannah then built another pile.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

God's Words

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Shoveling and Plowing Wednesday

After chores it was time to shovel and plow.
Hannah shoveled in front of the shop

while Elsie shoveled behind the garage and by the little barn.

Ben and Jack spent some time in the skid steers 
before Ben had to leave to plow for the township.

That pile is never going to melt.
And that's only one of numerous piles we have!

A plow had not even been down our road yet by 9:30 a.m.

I wish I could capture the actually heaviness of the snowfall.

There were many hours of moving snow yesterday.

 The patio only got buried deeper.
It looks like the first weenie roast got put off a little longer.

 Hannah and Jack had fun with the blade on the four wheeler.

Another one of many!

After chores,
Hannah, Molly, and Jack had fun on one of the hills.

The sun came out to end the day.
Well, ok, the day didn't end when the sun came out.
Paul, Luke, Ben, and Elsie didn't actually come in until 8:30
after places for the cattle were cleaned out.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Morning Chores in Heavy Snow

We had at least 4" when I went out at 7:00 this morning.
It didn't stop snowing until after 5:00.
No plows had been on the road yet at chore time.

Ben was on his way home from Hillary's with a bale for the cattle this morning.

Visibility was really low.
And the snow was really deep.

It was snowing like crazy for most of the day.

Hannah had to shovel the feed bunk out 
for morning and night chores.

The cows followed Ben up and over their cornstalk pile 
on their way to the bale feeder.

 Then he had to plow out in front of the feed bunk 
so the calves would be low enough 
to get their heads through the bars.

 Of course Molly and Jack made good use of the corn stalk bales 
to jump in the fresh snow.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Quilts and Jumping

I was busy inside today.
The third jean quilt was finished this afternoon!
I just have to do the snipping and washing to have the last two completed.
Next up is quilts for the girls out of all of their baby dresses.

I went out to help with chores tonight.

The crazy boy had to jump off the cornstalk bales.

Just because he can.

And because he's crazy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

One More 4"

I forgot to bring the last load of laundry in 
before the snow came.

Paul, Luke, and Ben were gone at work yesterday 

so it was Jack's turn to plow us out.

Then later in the afternoon
after they were done with school,

Molly and Jack went out to take advantage of the latest 4".

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

First 4"

They were right!!
That doesn't happen often.

They said we were going to get 3"-5" yesterday.
We got 4".

It was a nice, gentle snow.
Not all that cold at all.

But the chickens stayed in their nice, warm, cozy Castle
and refused to go out.

They say another 4"-6" is coming tonight and tomorrow.