We had at least 4" when I went out at 7:00 this morning.
It didn't stop snowing until after 5:00.
No plows had been on the road yet at chore time.

Ben was on his way home from Hillary's with a bale for the cattle this morning.
Visibility was really low.
And the snow was really deep.

It was snowing like crazy for most of the day.
Hannah had to shovel the feed bunk out
for morning and night chores.
The cows followed Ben up and over their cornstalk pile
on their way to the bale feeder.
Then he had to plow out in front of the feed bunk
so the calves would be low enough
to get their heads through the bars.
Of course Molly and Jack made good use of the corn stalk bales
to jump in the fresh snow.