Monday, February 25, 2019

Chores in a Blizzard and Cleaning Up

Morning chores were a tad chilly yesterday.
I can't believe I never even looked to see what the windchill was.

Ben was gone plowing for the township
and Luke had the other skid steer plowing neighbors out.

So Paul cleaned out the shed road and a path into the pasture.

The rest of us shoveled and shoveled by the gates.

 Elsie dug a path from the shop to the house before the cattle chores started.

Her path didn't last very long though!

Ben and Hannah spent several hours in the pastures 
moving snow today.

They are getting ready to move the cows 
from the shed to the little barn 
to get ready for calving.

Ben cleared the paths and pushed the snow to Hannah.
Hannah then built another pile.

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