We aren't usually done chopping
in time to cover the pile in daylight.
It always feels SO good to get to this stage
The silage is done a full three weeks earlier than last year
and it feels great!
We started in again Sunday morning
just as soon as the fog burned off.
Our wagon popped a tire and ruined the rim.
So two of Larry's wagons were used.
Saturday afternoon the boys decided
The poor pigs were concerned
that they weren't going to get any.
Happy Piggies!
As soon as Ben got home from work
all 6 chilluns went out and loaded up 9 head of cattle.
Off to market they went.
Mom and Dad came out Tuesday evening for a weenie roast.
It was a great way to spend a relaxing evening
before the big move!
A neighbor's tractor is in need of help again.
Ok, I'm sorry about how this post looks.
Blogger has updated everything
and I'm thinking they messed with a good thing and didn't need to!
I can't seem to single space.
It won't let me un-underline up above.
It kept turning the font blue.
They changed how to size the pictures.
Basically, they just made it very time consuming and difficult!
Be patient with me.
I'll get it figured out eventually!