We finally had an opportunity
to get the last 10 calves tagged yesterday.
So, for our records,
here are the names of the calves and their moms.
14. Pressnall's cow with no name had Sunflower on April 14.
15. Katie Elder had Wasatch on April 18.
16. Dallas had Denali on April 19.
17. Dove had Rendezvous on April 25.
18 & 19. Cheyenne had Eagle and

Baby Ruth had Bitterroot on April 27.

20. B-1 had Cascade on Ben's birthday, April 29.
On May 7,
21. & 22. Nunie had Thor
and Ash had Sutter.

And the last one to date,
23. Scarlet had Great Smokey on May 12.
23 down and 3 to go.
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